Advocacy, Health Policy and Reproductive Sexual Health

Advocacy 1 - The value of Peer involvement in organisations’ Oral Presentation

Advocacy, Health Policy and Reproductive Sexual Health

Q & A with NTAHC- SWOP NT & Care & Support staff


Introduction to the value of peer involvement with an emphasis on the importance of the lived experiences and value of marginalised communities’ intellectual property. Examples of how a small group of peers and individuals are able to influence Health Policy are explained from initial concept to fruition. Case studies presented in relation to LGBTIQ, sex workers, people who live with Blood Born Viruses, people who inject drugs PWID's /and or use the NT pharmacotherapies program in relation to access and equity. Presenters refer to their own lived experiences and speak of the importance of peer led interventions in their own programming and service delivery within NTAHC.


Participants re able to grasp a vast range of gaps in policy via direct knowledge from peer communities. Participants are able to consider the importance of why utilising the lived experience and knowledge of peers in the development of policy and services, determines better health outcomes. Participants will have an understanding of peer reviewing procedures and who to connect to with in state organisations and their programs such as NTAHC and peak organisations. Participants are asked to identify two areas out of the talk/ presentation that they wished to explore. Participants are encouraged to engage with peers who work within NTAHC programs to work on areas in their development of documentation and research for any health policy gaps


Health students, health professionals, political advisors, human rights advocates, public health researchers.

Locations: Alice Springs & Darwin.

For training needs, we can come to you across the NT if budget permits or we can arrange a session in Darwin City.

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